The Day at the Store, by Joe Martin

One day, Andros, Cassie, Ashley, Carlos, and T.J. were walking to pick up Ashley's Cousin. Since Ashley had promised her cousin a month ago that she'd take her to the store with her and her friends, her cousin was really excited. Every day her cousin would say "How many more days until I go?" each day after breakfast. But, it seemed that the rangers weren't going there shopping at all. Astronema had a plan ever since the promise was made. Up in her spacecraft she yelled to Elgar "Today is the day for the most brilliant plan ever made!!!"

Elgar wispered in a soft, deep voice "Well, not the most brilliant plan!" Astronema kicked him and said "Yes it is and I heard that!" Elgar replied with a sorry and Astronema didn't say anything else. He asked Rygog "Is she mad at me?" Rygog replied "I don't know, she seems kinda nice to me!!!" Then, they all saw a bolt of lights hit the spacecraft with a golden glow behind it. Astronema said "hit it with our missles!!!!!!!!!" Rygog said "Aye Captain." He fired as many times as he could with the missles but every one of them missed. Astronema then said "I hate to say this but, SCAN THAT BOLT ELGAR!"

Elgar then said, she called me for a change??? Alright! Let me get the scanner. He scanned it and got a really good look at what was inside of it. It was Lerigot. "What??? That little maingy animal again!" Elgar said. Once Lerigot arrived on earth, he immidiately found the rangers and warned them of Astronemas plan. As soon as they found out, Andros said "We'll go, but I also know we'll keep our backs sharp." Ashley said "You mean, we'll have to morph, in front of my cousin! Why?" Andros replied "We can't let danger take away what we should have done in the first place."

T.J. said "He's right, if we have to morph then we'll have to sacrifice the time of revealing who we really are!" Lerigot went away as fast as he got there. He had a plan of his own. He was going to bring Astronema down for a while. He grabbed his magic key and called all of the past zords. He got the Dinozords to come, the Thunderzords, the Ninja Zords, the Shogunzords, the Zeo Zords, the Super Zeo Zords, the Turbo Zords, the Rescue Zords, and even the Space Zords. That was alot of power that Lerigot had used. He gave all of the Zords that didn't have flying power a chance to fly to their ship. He got every Zord ready and he flew them of Mega-Zord, by Mega-Zord.

Meanwhile, back up in the spacecraft. Elgat looked outside a window and said "Uh Ooooooooh, that little weasle has just made a comeback. Punch the Thrusters!" but it was too late. The Zords had crashed into their ship and damaged it severely. Then, once the Power Rangers got to the store, they got a telepathic message from Lerigot saying it was ok to go into the store and he had told them what he did. The rangers were happy for him and thanked him telepathically. Then, Lerigot warned them that the war is not over yet though, only for a while, a long while.

The Rangers had a good time at the store. Andros said "I never new a place could be so big as that one." T.J. said "Yeah, I love this place!!!" Carlos added "Me too, i'll race ya'll guys home!" Carlos took off and everybody followed him as fast as they could.

The End